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Daily Bread - Overcome Adversity In Three Steps
Overcome Adversity In Three Steps

Overcome Adversity In Three Steps

by Zara Lisbon
via Daily Burst

A huge majority of the human population (if not practically the entire population), dislikes the experience of pain and hardship so much that they do almost anything they can to avoid it. When it inevitably arrives, we tend to take it personally as a sign of failure or weakness, thinking of ourselves as the victim of something nobody else has to endure. But we couldn’t possibly be more wrong! Nobody alive can escape adversity, it is an unavoidable part of the human experience. But that doesn’t mean it has to weigh you down forever. You can overcome any adversity, and here’s how:

  • Accept it
    Instead of living in fear of adversity, understand that it is guaranteed to come around in one form or another from time to time. Also understand that the age-old adage “this too shall pass” is one hundred percent true. Nothing is permanent, including the misfortunes that seem to go on without end. So, there’s no need to prepare for adversity like a doomsday alarmist; know that nothing will come your way that you can’t handle. 
  • Build your resources
    It’s a misconception to think of overcoming adversity as a solo mission. Very few people, if anybody, overcome adversity on their own. When in the midst of life’s hardest times, you’d be wise to ask for help and support. Reach out to people who love you, such as friends and family, who will help you to feel less alone in this challenging time. It’s surprising and wildly reassuring to learn that someone close to you has gone through the same thing, or is maybe even going through it right now! Feeling a sense of comradery and togetherness gives you the strength and optimism needed to overcome your struggles. And even if your situation never improves on the outside, having friends and confidants will create an inner refuge to take comfort in no matter what’s happening, and if you don’t know anyone who has experienced your particular adversity, joining a support group is an incredible way to build self-esteem and a sense of community to help you through. 
  • Study success stories of overcoming adversity
    Again, everybody experiences adversity at one point or another, and some of the most successfully thriving people in history are that way because of the adversity they overcame. They used their hardships, misfortunes, disadvantages, and shortcomings as opportunities to learn and grow and fight until they were strong enough to be inspirations to the rest of us. Reading their stories and following their lead will give you brilliantly bright hope in even the darkest times. Here is a list of names to look up and get inspired by:
    - Alexander Hamilton
    - JK Rowling
    - Hellen Keller
    - Oprah
    - Victor Frankl
    - Charlize Theron
    - Tom Cruise

    The list is virtually endless, but you can start here.

When considering that adversity is both inevitable AND can lead to beautiful, inspirational levels of human strength, it’s actually nothing to fear at all. Nineteenth century physician Havelock Ellis wrote, “Pain and death are a part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself.” So don’t reject adversity, but instead accept it, trudge right through it. Embrace adversity, and in doing so you will be embracing life. 

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