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Daily Bread - How To Fill Up On Good Vibes
How To Fill Up On Good Vibes

How To Fill Up On Good Vibes

by Zara Lisbon
via Daily Burst

Have you ever met a new person and felt that they had “good vibes”? Or maybe you know someone who gives off “bad vibes”. When you make note of the vibes of a person, place or thing, you are receiving the energy that reverberates off of them. 

Though it may seem to be, this is not magical, mystical thinking. It is not new age nonsense. Science tells us that energy can’t be created or destroyed, and that every single thing vibrates at an energetic frequency. It only makes sense, therefore, that the sensitive of us would be able to pick up on the energies in our surroundings. Even if you’re not sensitive to them, you’re subconsciously registering the energy frequencies in your life. 

While this is a beautiful thing, it can cause you trouble when negative energy builds on itself and begins to majorly weigh you down in life. If you’re going through a hard time, for example, your energy will be negative, and will attract more negative energy to it. This negativity may manifest in the form of relationship problems, financial problems, health problems, and really any type of trouble you can imagine. Many of us are in this downward spiral of negativity and don’t realize it.

So, if you’re suffering in life--any type of suffering at all--and nothing you do is making an improvement, it may be time to turn to energetic healing. Also known as spiritual cleansing. 

While seeing a professional is always an option, here’s how to spiritually cleanse on your own:

  • Gather information about the problem
    What are the symptoms of your spiritual imbalance or disturbance? Are you lethargic? Achy? Anxious? Depressed? Take the time to lie down in a darkened room and notice where energy flows in your body. Notice the feelings that arise. This may give you some insight into the problem that’s weighing you down. If you work with a trained spiritual healer, he or she will be able to notice imbalances in your aura and chakras. 
  • Spiritual analysis
    Noticing your symptoms and connecting to your emotions will point you towards what is causing the negativity in your life. Often, knowing the cause makes it easier to release. Perhaps you lost a job a few months ago. You’ve moved on, have a new job, and thought you’d moved past that anguish, but the negative energy you felt could still be buried deep in your cells, continuing to attract negativity into your life. Once you identify and understand the source, you can release it and begin to heal from within. 
  • Cleansing
    To spiritually cleanse yourself you must replace negative energy with positive energy. To do this, pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. When they’re negative, actively rewrite them into positive affirmations. Take time in the day to do things that make you genuinely, blissfully happy. Soon you’ll begin to feel lighter as the burdens of negative energy are lifted. 

To successfully cleanse yourself of negative energies, you’ll want to make the process a positive and enjoyable experience. That may seem obvious, but it’s common to try and fight away your negativity, which only makes it stronger, since fighting is a negative action. It isn’t your job to fight away negative energies, but simply to fill yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. Eventually, the negativity will go away on its own. It’s only then that you’ll be able to heal. ???????

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